Publication details are also available at ResearchGate and Google Scholar:
Journal articles
*Research conducted with a mentored or supervised student
+Authors have contributed equally
42. Petalas C*, Turcotte-van de Rydt AV*, Ducatez S, Guigueno MF. 2024. Historical contact and sensitivity to parasitism predict clutch abandonment in cowbird costs. Animal Behaviour 215: 55-62.
41. Schlener J*, Whelan S, Hatch S, Guigueno MF, Elliott KH. 2024. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: variability in foraging behaviour predicts kittiwake reproductive success. Animal Behaviour 209: 155-167.
40. Guigueno MF. 2023. Place-cell coding in flying birds. Learning & Behavior, (Invited)
39. Christin S, Chicoine C, *O’Neill Sanger T, Guigueno MF, Hansen J, Lanctot RB, MacNearney D, Rausch J, Saalfeld ST, Schmidt NM, Smith PA, Woodard PF, Hervet E, Lecomte N. 2023. ArcticBirdSounds: an open-access, multi-year, and detailed annotated dataset of bird songs and calls. Ecology, e4047.
38. *Turcotte-van de Rydt, AV, Petalas, C, Sblendorio, JM, Pearl, CA, Gill, SA, & Guigueno, MF. 2022. Clutch abandoning parasitised yellow warblers have increased circulation corticosterone with no effect of past corticosterone or differences in egg maculation characteristics. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 57.
37. White, DJ, Arthur, J, Davies, HB, Guigueno, MF. 2021. Cognition and reproductive success in cowbirds. Learning & Behaviour, 1-11. (Invited)
36. *Petalas C, Lazarus T, Lavoie RA, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF. 2021. Foraging niche partitioning in sympatric seabird populations. Scientific Reports 11: 2493.
35. Marteinson S+, Guigueno MF+, Fernie Kim, Head J, Chu S, Letcher R. 2020. Uptake, deposition and metabolism of triphenyl phosphate in embryonated eggs and chicks of Japanese quail (Cortunix japonica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39: 565-573.
34. Grenier P, Elliott JE, Drouillard KG, Guigueno MF, Muir D, Shaw DP, Wayland M, Elliott KH. 2020. Long-range transport of legacy organic pollutants affects alpine fish eaten by ospreys in western Canada. Science of the Total Environment 712: 135889.
33. Hanas AK*+, Guigueno MF+, Fernie KJ, Letcher RJ, Sainte-Marie Chamberland F*, Head JA. 2020. Assessment of the effects of early life exposure to triphenyl phosphate on fear, boldness, aggression, and activity in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) chicks. Environmental Pollution 258: 113695.
32. Guigueno MF, Head JA, Letcher RJ, Karouna-Renier N, Peters L, Palace V, Hanas AK*, Fernie KJ. 2019. Early life exposure to triphenyl phosphate: effects on thyroid function, growth, and resting metabolic rate of Japanese quail chicks. Environmental Pollution 253: 899-908.
31. Guigueno MF, Shoji A, Elliott KH, Aris-Brosou S. 2019. Flight costs in volant vertebrates: a phylogenetically-controlled meta-analysis of birds and bats. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 235: 193-201.
30. Sherry DF, Guigueno MF. 2019. Cognition and the brain of brood parasitic cowbirds. Integrative Zoology. (Invited)
29. Guigueno MF, Karouna-Renier NK, Henry PFP, Peters LE, Palace VP, Letcher RJ, Fernie KJ. 2018. Sex-specific responses in neuroanatomy of hatchling American kestrels in response to embryonic exposure to the flame retardants bis(2-ethylhexyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrabromophthalate and 2-ethylhexyl-2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37: 3032-3040. (Cover Page) CORRIGENDUM
28. Guigueno MF, Karouna-Renier NK, Henry PFP, Head JA, Peters LE, Palace VP, Letcher RJ, Fernie KJ. 2018. Female hatchling American kestrels have a larger hippocampus than males: A link with sexual size dimorphism? Behavioural Brain Research 349: 98–101.
27. Guigueno MF, Fernie KJ. 2017. A review of the toxic effects on birds of historical and novel flame retardants. Environmental Research 154: 398-424. (Review)
26. Sherry DF, Grella SL, Guigueno MF, White DJ, Marrone DF. 2017. Are there place cells in the avian hippocampus? Brain, Behavior and Evolution 90: 73-80. (Editor’s Choice)
25. Stein AC, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Kalinina V. 2017. Status of the three-wattled bellbird in the Nicoya Mountains, Costa Rica. Ornitologia Neotropical 28: 135-141.
24. Yu MS, Eng ML, Williams TD, Guigueno MF, Elliott JE. 2017. Assessment of long term neuroanatomical and behavioural effects of in ovo methylmercury exposure in zebra finches. Neurotoxicology 59: 33-39.
23. Guigueno MF, Sherry DF, MacDougall-Shackleton SA. 2016. Sex and seasonal differences in volume and neurogenesis of the song-control system are associated with song in brood-parasitic and non-brood-parasitic songbirds. Developmental Neurobiology 76: 1226-1240. (Cover Page)
22. Guigueno MF, MacDougall-Shackleton SA, Sherry DF. 2016. Sex and seasonal differences in hippocampal volume and neurogenesis in brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Developmental Neurobiology 76: 1275-1290.
21. Grella SL, Guigueno MF, White DJ, Sherry DF, Marrone DF. 2016. Context-dependent Egr1 expression in the avian hippocampus. PLoS ONE 11: e0164333.
20. Watt D, Sealy SG, Guigueno MF. 2015. Antoine Joseph Lottinger’s first book on the European cuckoo and its fosterers: A rare and little-cited book with three title-pages. Archives of Natural History 42: 253-264.
19. Guigueno MF, MacDougall-Shackleton SA, Sherry DF. 2015. Sex differences in spatial memory in brown-headed cowbirds: Males outperform females on a touchscreen task. PLoS ONE 10: e0128302.
18. Miller A, Elliott JE, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Wilson LK, Lee S, Idrissi A. 2015. Brominated flame retardant trends in aquatic birds from the Salish Sea region of the west coast of North America, including a mini-review of recent trends in marine and estuarine birds. Science of the Total Environment 502: 60-69.
17. Miller A, Elliott JE, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Wilson LK, Lee S, Idrissi A. 2014. Spatial and temporal trends in brominated flame retardants in seabirds from the Pacific coast of Canada. Environmental Pollution 195: 48-55.
16. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG, Westphal* AM. 2014. Rejection of parasitic eggs in passerine hosts: Size matters more for a non-ejecter. The Auk 131: 583–594.
15. Guigueno MF, Snow* DA, MacDougall-Shackleton SA, Sherry DF. 2014. Female cowbirds have more accurate spatial memory than males. Biology Letters 10: 20140026.
14. Guigueno MF, Elliott KH, Levac J, Wayland M, Elliott JE. 2012. Differential exposure of alpine ospreys to mercury: Melting glaciers, hydrology or deposition patterns? Environment International 40: 24–32.
13. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2012. Increased investigation of manipulated clutches suggests egg recognition without rejection in a brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) host, the yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia). The Auk 129: 17-25.
12. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2012. Nest sanitation in passerine birds: Implications for egg rejection in hosts of brood parasites. Journal of Ornithology 53: 35–52. (Review)
11. Capper* C-L, Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2012. Acceptance of simulated cowbird parasitism in a northern population of red-winged blackbirds. American Midland Naturalist 167: 127–135.
10. Elliott JE, Levac J, Guigueno MF, Shaw DP et al. 2012. Factors influencing legacy pollutant accumulation in osprey: Biology, topography or melting glaciers? Environmental Science and Technology 46: 9681–9689.
9. Jacobs SR, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Gaston AJ et al. 2012. Determining seabird body condition using non-lethal measures. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85: 85–95.
8. Rasmussen JL, Sealy SG, Guigueno MF, Elliott KH. 2012. Infrequent ejection of artificial bronzed cowbird (Molothrus aeneus) eggs by the clay-colored thrush (Turdus grayi) in Costa Rica. Ornitologia Neotropical 23: 33–41.
7. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2011. Aggression towards egg-removing cowbird elicits clutch abandonment in parasitized yellow warblers, Dendroica petechia. Animal Behaviour 81: 211–218.
6. Sealy SG, Guigueno MF. 2011. Cuckoo chicks evicting their nest mates: coincidental observations by Edward Jenner in England and Antoine Joseph Lottinger in France. Archives of Natural History 38: 220–228.
5. Stewart RLM, Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2011. How small is too small? Incubation of large eggs by a small host. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 968–975.
4. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2010. Clutch abandonment in parasitized yellow warblers: Egg burial or nest desertion? Condor 112: 399–406.
3. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2009. Nest sanitation plays a role in egg burial by yellow warblers. Ethology 115: 247–256.
Book chapters
2. Guigueno MF, Sealy, SG. 2017. Implications of Nest Sanitation in the Evolution of Egg Rejection In Avian Brood Parasitism - Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Coevolution (Edited by M. Soler), Springer. 19 pp. (Invited)
1. Guigueno MF, Sherry DF. 2017. Hippocampus and Spatial Memory in Brood Parasitic Cowbirds In Avian Brood Parasitism - Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Coevolution (Edited by M. Soler), Springer. 27 pp. (Invited)
Journal articles
*Research conducted with a mentored or supervised student
+Authors have contributed equally
42. Petalas C*, Turcotte-van de Rydt AV*, Ducatez S, Guigueno MF. 2024. Historical contact and sensitivity to parasitism predict clutch abandonment in cowbird costs. Animal Behaviour 215: 55-62.
41. Schlener J*, Whelan S, Hatch S, Guigueno MF, Elliott KH. 2024. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it: variability in foraging behaviour predicts kittiwake reproductive success. Animal Behaviour 209: 155-167.
40. Guigueno MF. 2023. Place-cell coding in flying birds. Learning & Behavior, (Invited)
39. Christin S, Chicoine C, *O’Neill Sanger T, Guigueno MF, Hansen J, Lanctot RB, MacNearney D, Rausch J, Saalfeld ST, Schmidt NM, Smith PA, Woodard PF, Hervet E, Lecomte N. 2023. ArcticBirdSounds: an open-access, multi-year, and detailed annotated dataset of bird songs and calls. Ecology, e4047.
38. *Turcotte-van de Rydt, AV, Petalas, C, Sblendorio, JM, Pearl, CA, Gill, SA, & Guigueno, MF. 2022. Clutch abandoning parasitised yellow warblers have increased circulation corticosterone with no effect of past corticosterone or differences in egg maculation characteristics. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 57.
37. White, DJ, Arthur, J, Davies, HB, Guigueno, MF. 2021. Cognition and reproductive success in cowbirds. Learning & Behaviour, 1-11. (Invited)
36. *Petalas C, Lazarus T, Lavoie RA, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF. 2021. Foraging niche partitioning in sympatric seabird populations. Scientific Reports 11: 2493.
35. Marteinson S+, Guigueno MF+, Fernie Kim, Head J, Chu S, Letcher R. 2020. Uptake, deposition and metabolism of triphenyl phosphate in embryonated eggs and chicks of Japanese quail (Cortunix japonica). Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 39: 565-573.
34. Grenier P, Elliott JE, Drouillard KG, Guigueno MF, Muir D, Shaw DP, Wayland M, Elliott KH. 2020. Long-range transport of legacy organic pollutants affects alpine fish eaten by ospreys in western Canada. Science of the Total Environment 712: 135889.
33. Hanas AK*+, Guigueno MF+, Fernie KJ, Letcher RJ, Sainte-Marie Chamberland F*, Head JA. 2020. Assessment of the effects of early life exposure to triphenyl phosphate on fear, boldness, aggression, and activity in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica) chicks. Environmental Pollution 258: 113695.
32. Guigueno MF, Head JA, Letcher RJ, Karouna-Renier N, Peters L, Palace V, Hanas AK*, Fernie KJ. 2019. Early life exposure to triphenyl phosphate: effects on thyroid function, growth, and resting metabolic rate of Japanese quail chicks. Environmental Pollution 253: 899-908.
31. Guigueno MF, Shoji A, Elliott KH, Aris-Brosou S. 2019. Flight costs in volant vertebrates: a phylogenetically-controlled meta-analysis of birds and bats. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A 235: 193-201.
30. Sherry DF, Guigueno MF. 2019. Cognition and the brain of brood parasitic cowbirds. Integrative Zoology. (Invited)
29. Guigueno MF, Karouna-Renier NK, Henry PFP, Peters LE, Palace VP, Letcher RJ, Fernie KJ. 2018. Sex-specific responses in neuroanatomy of hatchling American kestrels in response to embryonic exposure to the flame retardants bis(2-ethylhexyl)-2,3,4,5-tetrabromophthalate and 2-ethylhexyl-2,3,4,5-tetrabromobenzoate. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 37: 3032-3040. (Cover Page) CORRIGENDUM
28. Guigueno MF, Karouna-Renier NK, Henry PFP, Head JA, Peters LE, Palace VP, Letcher RJ, Fernie KJ. 2018. Female hatchling American kestrels have a larger hippocampus than males: A link with sexual size dimorphism? Behavioural Brain Research 349: 98–101.
27. Guigueno MF, Fernie KJ. 2017. A review of the toxic effects on birds of historical and novel flame retardants. Environmental Research 154: 398-424. (Review)
26. Sherry DF, Grella SL, Guigueno MF, White DJ, Marrone DF. 2017. Are there place cells in the avian hippocampus? Brain, Behavior and Evolution 90: 73-80. (Editor’s Choice)
25. Stein AC, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Kalinina V. 2017. Status of the three-wattled bellbird in the Nicoya Mountains, Costa Rica. Ornitologia Neotropical 28: 135-141.
24. Yu MS, Eng ML, Williams TD, Guigueno MF, Elliott JE. 2017. Assessment of long term neuroanatomical and behavioural effects of in ovo methylmercury exposure in zebra finches. Neurotoxicology 59: 33-39.
23. Guigueno MF, Sherry DF, MacDougall-Shackleton SA. 2016. Sex and seasonal differences in volume and neurogenesis of the song-control system are associated with song in brood-parasitic and non-brood-parasitic songbirds. Developmental Neurobiology 76: 1226-1240. (Cover Page)
22. Guigueno MF, MacDougall-Shackleton SA, Sherry DF. 2016. Sex and seasonal differences in hippocampal volume and neurogenesis in brood-parasitic brown-headed cowbirds (Molothrus ater). Developmental Neurobiology 76: 1275-1290.
21. Grella SL, Guigueno MF, White DJ, Sherry DF, Marrone DF. 2016. Context-dependent Egr1 expression in the avian hippocampus. PLoS ONE 11: e0164333.
20. Watt D, Sealy SG, Guigueno MF. 2015. Antoine Joseph Lottinger’s first book on the European cuckoo and its fosterers: A rare and little-cited book with three title-pages. Archives of Natural History 42: 253-264.
19. Guigueno MF, MacDougall-Shackleton SA, Sherry DF. 2015. Sex differences in spatial memory in brown-headed cowbirds: Males outperform females on a touchscreen task. PLoS ONE 10: e0128302.
18. Miller A, Elliott JE, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Wilson LK, Lee S, Idrissi A. 2015. Brominated flame retardant trends in aquatic birds from the Salish Sea region of the west coast of North America, including a mini-review of recent trends in marine and estuarine birds. Science of the Total Environment 502: 60-69.
17. Miller A, Elliott JE, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Wilson LK, Lee S, Idrissi A. 2014. Spatial and temporal trends in brominated flame retardants in seabirds from the Pacific coast of Canada. Environmental Pollution 195: 48-55.
16. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG, Westphal* AM. 2014. Rejection of parasitic eggs in passerine hosts: Size matters more for a non-ejecter. The Auk 131: 583–594.
15. Guigueno MF, Snow* DA, MacDougall-Shackleton SA, Sherry DF. 2014. Female cowbirds have more accurate spatial memory than males. Biology Letters 10: 20140026.
14. Guigueno MF, Elliott KH, Levac J, Wayland M, Elliott JE. 2012. Differential exposure of alpine ospreys to mercury: Melting glaciers, hydrology or deposition patterns? Environment International 40: 24–32.
13. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2012. Increased investigation of manipulated clutches suggests egg recognition without rejection in a brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) host, the yellow warbler (Setophaga petechia). The Auk 129: 17-25.
12. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2012. Nest sanitation in passerine birds: Implications for egg rejection in hosts of brood parasites. Journal of Ornithology 53: 35–52. (Review)
11. Capper* C-L, Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2012. Acceptance of simulated cowbird parasitism in a northern population of red-winged blackbirds. American Midland Naturalist 167: 127–135.
10. Elliott JE, Levac J, Guigueno MF, Shaw DP et al. 2012. Factors influencing legacy pollutant accumulation in osprey: Biology, topography or melting glaciers? Environmental Science and Technology 46: 9681–9689.
9. Jacobs SR, Elliott KH, Guigueno MF, Gaston AJ et al. 2012. Determining seabird body condition using non-lethal measures. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 85: 85–95.
8. Rasmussen JL, Sealy SG, Guigueno MF, Elliott KH. 2012. Infrequent ejection of artificial bronzed cowbird (Molothrus aeneus) eggs by the clay-colored thrush (Turdus grayi) in Costa Rica. Ornitologia Neotropical 23: 33–41.
7. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2011. Aggression towards egg-removing cowbird elicits clutch abandonment in parasitized yellow warblers, Dendroica petechia. Animal Behaviour 81: 211–218.
6. Sealy SG, Guigueno MF. 2011. Cuckoo chicks evicting their nest mates: coincidental observations by Edward Jenner in England and Antoine Joseph Lottinger in France. Archives of Natural History 38: 220–228.
5. Stewart RLM, Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2011. How small is too small? Incubation of large eggs by a small host. Canadian Journal of Zoology 89: 968–975.
4. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2010. Clutch abandonment in parasitized yellow warblers: Egg burial or nest desertion? Condor 112: 399–406.
3. Guigueno MF, Sealy SG. 2009. Nest sanitation plays a role in egg burial by yellow warblers. Ethology 115: 247–256.
Book chapters
2. Guigueno MF, Sealy, SG. 2017. Implications of Nest Sanitation in the Evolution of Egg Rejection In Avian Brood Parasitism - Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Coevolution (Edited by M. Soler), Springer. 19 pp. (Invited)
1. Guigueno MF, Sherry DF. 2017. Hippocampus and Spatial Memory in Brood Parasitic Cowbirds In Avian Brood Parasitism - Behaviour, Ecology, Evolution and Coevolution (Edited by M. Soler), Springer. 27 pp. (Invited)