New paper from our team; a long-awaited review on clutch abandonment in hosts of the three generalist cowbirds (Molothrus sp.). Thank you to former undergraduate student Christina Petalas for her persistence and hard work in following this through!
Congratulations Emily for receiving the prestigious Sea Duck Joint Venture Student fellowship! More information on Emily's work on intraspecific brood parasitism and the details of this award can be found here.
December 2023:
Sereena has successfully completed her MSc thesis. Congratulations, Sereena!
Photo to the left: Celebrating at Thomson House in January.
August - September 2023:
Welcome to Bryan Hughes! Bryan's thesis will focus on free-ranging food-storing behaviour in corvids using our new remote-download GPS system. Bryan's work is co-supervised by the corvid extraordinaire Debbie Kelly (UManitoba).
Photo below: Corvid team in the field at Manning Provincial Park, British Columbia.
August 2023:
Good luck to Claire, who is pursuing opportunities in France!
Thank you for your many contributions to the lab.
March 2023: What a beautiful day to climb Mont-Royal with our dogs ;-)
Congratulations to April and Anya for receiving NSERC-USRA funding! We are overjoyed to have you in the team during this summer.
February 2023: Congratulations to Elsa for passing her qualifying exam!
January 2023: Warm welcome to Dr. Claire Bottini, joining our team as postdoctoral researcher.
July 2022: Congratulations to both our post-doc Dr. Jeff Martin and to our new MSc student Emily Burt who both received FRQNT funding to support their upcoming work.
Jeff received the FRQNT Postdoctoral Research Scholarship award which will support his research evaluating the link between spatial cognition and brood parasitism in brown-headed cowbirds.
Emily received the FRQNT Masters Scholarship which will support her efforts to understand how kin selection and relatedness help shape the evolution of intra-specific parasitism.
Congratulations also to Anya Mueller who received an NSERC USRA this summer. Anya has recently completed her field season and is now in the lab trying to understand how nest microbiomes vary between species and sites.
Thank you to both FRQNT and NSERC for continuing to support the work of the Guigueno Lab. We are very grateful!
April 2022: We are excited to announce that Emily Burt will be joining the lab in the upcoming academic year. Emily, who is currently completing her BSc at McGill, will be joining the lab as an MSc student. She brings with her a wealth of experience and scientific creativity, and we are thrilled to have her joining our group. Look out for her biography on the "Lab Members" page soon! Congratulations Emily, and welcome to the team!
We are also excited to announce that our lab has been awarded a joint NSERC/FRQNT NOVA Grant. This funding will support our ongoing collaboration with Jonathan Verreault at UQAM, and our project, "Contaminant exposure, neurogenesis and spatial behaviour in a sentinel gull adapted to highly urbanized habitats". We are extremely grateful to NSERC and FRQNT for the support.
March 2022: Congratulations to new PhD Student Elsa Mardiné who received an Animal Behavior Society Student Research Grant for her upcoming PhD work!
Our many thanks to ABS for their support of Elsa and her research!
May 2021: Very excited to announce that our lab has received a Research Support for New Academics Grant from the Fonds de recherche du Québec - Nature et Technologie!
So grateful for this support. Merci FRQNT!
Winter 2021: Congratulations to Christina Petalas for publishing our first lab paper! Christina also joined Twitter and included the paper in her first tweet here. Check out this beautiful infographic:
Fall 2020: We are happy to announce that our lab has received an infrastructure grant from the John R. Evans Leaders Fund (Canadian Foundation for Innovation)! Looking forward to filling our lab with much-needed equipment in the coming months. A list of funded projects can be found here.
Summer 2020:
The lab gave the following three presentations at the virtual Animal Behaviour Society Meeting and the virtual North American Ornithological Congress. Well done to Tommy O'Neill Sanger who gave his first presentation at a scientific conference! Other presentations stemmed from research with previously mentored students: Adrian Foster, Justin Arthur, and Alex Coto.
Winter/Spring 2020:
Well done to Christina Petalas on receiving an NSERC - Undergraduate Science Research Award!
This is an exceptional year for Sereena Moore. In addition to receiving an FRQNT MSc Scholarship to help fund her stipend, she received FOUR (!) student research grants from the following organizations: - Bird Protection Québec - American Ornithological Society - Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Honor Society - The Society of Canadian Ornithologists
Photo by Mark Hauber
December 2019:
Thank you to my friend and colleague Mark Hauber for the seminar invite to the School of Integrative Biology at the University of Illinois Urbana Champagne! What an intelligent and welcoming group of students and faculty.
Winter/Spring 2019:
What a great year for NSERC funding!
Congratulations to:
Antoine Tucotte van de Rydt for being awarded an NSERC - Canada Graduate Scholarship (M) to help fund his Master's stipend.
Sereena Moore for being awarded an NSERC - Undergraduate Science Research Award (NSERC-USRA). Sereena will then join the lab in Fall 2019 as an MSc student.
Tommy O'Neill Sanger for being awarded an NSERC-USRA with our colleage Nicolas Lecomte at Université de Moncton.
Debbie Kelly (U of Manitoba), Kyle Elliott (McGill), and I have been awarded an NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant.
The lab has received an NSERC Discovery Grant and a Discovery Launch Supplement. See below for photo of NSERC DG celebration at McGill with the Honourable Kristy Duncan, Minister of Science.
Thank you NSERC!
Fall 2018: Thank you for my colleague Alanna Watt for her help co-leading an successful Faculty of Science Research Tools and Instruments Grant application! This grant will fund the purchase a much-needed cryostat for the Department of Biology.
August 2018: What a privilege it was to receive the Early Career Research Award from the Society of Canadian Ornithologists (SCO) at Canada Night (IOC 2018) in the presence of Margaret Atwood! (Photo by Christian Artuso)
The SCO also organized an Early Career Researcher Workshop at the IOC in which I gave a plenary. How inspiring it was to meet so many promising young scientists!
February 2018: Letter of offer for tenure-track position at McGill signed! Grateful and humbled to be joining such a distinguished institution.
November 2017: Receiving the Alice Wilson award at the Royal Society of Canada's Celebration of Excellence in Winnipeg and at the Gender Summit in Montréal. What a year it's been!
November 6, 2017: I'm incredibly honoured to receive the L'Oréal-UNESCO for Women in Science NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship Supplement ! The award was presented at the Gender Summit in Montréal by NSERC's president Mario Pinto, along with the president of L'Oréal Canada (Frank Kollmar), the UNESCO chair (Liette Vasseur), the CEO of MiItacs (Alejandro Adem), the French Ambassador to Canada (Kareen Rispal), and the Minister of Science (Kirsty Duncan). It's so inspiring to meet the other recipients - you all have a bright future ahead of you!